A Letter From The Lonely Heart

Tonight I lie here alone playing through memories of happier days, shared days.
Once upon a time I beat with a purpose and a fellow pulse beat with me in a lyrical rhythm.
Once I felt a warmth that shared my warmth.

They say that everything comes in twos, but hearts come in singles so that we can find the other heart in our pair. So why when I found the other piece of my pair did it go away? Had we been wrong about him, you and I? I believed I had found my other half, didn't you? Did you really believe? Did you hear me when I told you that he was the one?

I guess not, because you got rid of him. Sure, he won't be a part of us now and that's his choice. But, wasn't it the fear you brought him that keeps his beating heart from me? Aren't you the reason I beat alone night after night? Maybe one day he'll come back and we won't feel so alone and don't sit here and tell me that you don't feel alone, I can tell that you do. You should have listened to me. I never lied to you. Anytime he was around I picked up volume and tempo, anytime he walked away I screamed in agony for him to come back.

I wish you had heard me... As much as you wish you did too.
