"A Puerto Rican Scenery" Natalie Sanchez, Q2

​For one of my quarter two art projects, I was inspired to paint a Puerto Rican Scenery. My painting portrays a clear Puerto Rican night, where the sky is a deep blue and all you can see are the silhouettes of the trees. I was inspired to paint this scene after the days that I spent in Puerto Rico during my Christmas break. Every night I would stand outside my grandparents' house and watch the night take over. There was a specific time, around 7 o'clock, when the sky was the most beautiful, deepest shade of blue, and there was a clear, black silhouette of trees against the sky. It was a work of art in my eyes. In this painting, I depict the beauty of the nights in Puerto Rico. 

The process of this project was pretty lengthy. I used sketching paper, a pencil, an eraser, a cup of water, paper towel, and paint. I first had to sketch the landscape. This was the easiest part of my process because I could remember the scenery vividly. I then went on to painting my landscape. This was quite challenging because I didn't have all of the colors that I needed to paint this scenery. I was forced to mix the paints that I did have into the shades that I needed for my landscape. 

I enjoyed this process because I had the chance to paint. I enjoy painting very much. I love mixing colors to make new colors out of the usual shades of red, blue, and yellow. Painting calms me down, and helps me have some control as to what goes in the imaginary worlds that I form through my artwork. When I paint, it is just my painting and I; we are the only ones that exist. Everything else loses its importance.

In the end, the painting came out the way that I imagined it would. I honestly put my heart and soul into this painting. I tried to make it as honest and visually accurate as I possibly could. Overall, I am very satisfied with my final product. 

PR Rough 2
PR Rough 2
Rough PR
Rough PR
Final PR
Final PR
