A Single Game

Adrenalin pumped through my blood, the pounding of cannons, the roaring hail of gunfire, this is war. I rushed through the trenches, holding on to my rifle as if it were my own child. The ringing of mortar fire smashed into my ears as I realized what was coming, I had to get to cover. I dove into the nearest ditch I could find, I laid down as close to the ground as possible and hoped I would survive. The mortars slammed into the ground, causing the whole area to shake like hell. I lifted myself off of the damp ground and ran. I sprinted through the darkened trenches until I found a ladder leading up to the tops of the trenches. Up top I saw black smoke, flowing freely from the buildings out in the distance and then, I saw a man. He was rushing forward gun at the ready, I took aim and fired. As soon as the bullet left the barrel, his body dropped like a sack full of bricks; then a bright flash blinded me. I then saw , “Your team has won the match.”

I pulled myself up out of my old, rickety office chair , a cool wave runs down my sweat-soaked back. My chair was coated in a thick layer of glossy sweat, the early morning sunlight blazing off of it. I slip on a plain white undershirt, the soft fabric sticking to my back. I stare blankly at the pillar in between the only two windows in my room before I came to my senses and started my way to my room door, my legs wobbling like jelly the entire way. I firmly grip the handle of my room door and robotically push it down, the door reluctantly slid open and out I stepped into the pitch black hallway.

The games I play are my only relief to the dreary life I lead.whenever I play them my worries melt away into a far off land. The pain and utter boredom bestowed upon me by reality is washed away like water on dirt. The daily addiction I participate in runs me dry of responsibility. The freedom from reality is my only lifeline to this world.

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