Ad Campaign: Brain Lesions
Individual part: Other Group Members: (Azaria Burton and Emily Jenson)
The brain is the most important part of a human body, it helps us learn and gain knowledge. By the help of forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain, we are able to do activities and focus on our regular daily basis. The brain also controls all systems of the body and is the key of every access of a human body. Imagine how our lifestyle would be without being able to do certain things. Brain Lesions is considered as one of the worst cases that is able to block brain structures and their functions
Brain Lesions are spotted to any type on the abnormal tissue, they can only be seen throughout on a brain imaging test in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). They appear as small to large parts of the brain, which is a minor of life threatening. Lesions are caused by damages from an injury or diseases. As well as infections, problems with the immune system, exposed to certain chemicals, and many more. The symptoms are changes in eye vision or pain, nausea and vomiting, strong behavior, headaches, fever, seizures, and confusion. Brain Lesions are compared to brain tumors, the causes are usually unknown but are very complicated to handle. Such as, leading the way to deadly cancer and having high chances of suffering from trauma.
The brain is responsible for every process of the body. The two types of cells that forms the brain are neuron and gila. Most diagnosis of brain lesions are affected to a human by family background history or physically harm. It is to know that not all brain lesions are the same. Apparently, there are two different types of lesions called Abscesses and Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM). Both not similar to each other but are part of the causes in brain lesions. Abscesses are the infections in a brain tissue that includes pus and inflammation. It affects the areas near the ear, sinus, and even dental infection. Also, they present after an injury or surgery onto the skull. It’s uncommon to be affected but definitely very dangerous to handle. The Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM) begins in an early development. When arteries and veins grow in the brain, it becomes connected in tube structures that are called fistulae. Since the arteries are not strong as regular arteries in lesions, the veins are able to enlarge because of the flow of blood that directs itself through the fistulae. Overall, AVM can cause vessels to be fragile and may leak brain into the brain. Therefore, it would be unable to function and likely to create seizures.
Overall, It is to know that there are different types of brain lesions. Most treatments are different, depending on the case of the brain. As a patient, one may want to find a cure and to be treated. Going through a situation of being diagnosed with brain lesion, it’s not a pretty picture. The human body as a victim, will react to the uncomfortable feeling of being affect by different medications and attending visits to the hospital. The treatment goals are to cure, improving length of life, and relieve the symptoms of lesions. The way brain lesions are treated with an chemotherapy and radiation therapy, only for the lesions that are cancerous. The use of medications to treat brain lesions are antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs. They help to smooth and calm the immune systems but also to make the system react differently onto the body. It would be the only ways to prevent from brain lesions, unless if the lesions are strong, brain surgery must be performed.
People should be aware of brain lesions, it takes many forms and make a huge impact of a human being. The average of United States population of having brain lesions are 700,000 and 14,000 who are battling brain tumors. The most common ages of male and females to be affected are the ages 20 years and older. It would be best to decrease the rates and statistics. If a person have any more questions or can be related to the symptoms should contact their doctor or research more information online. Together, we can live a better lifestyle without any pain and suffocation.
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