Advance Essay #2: Death in Identity

Identity is something very sacred to mankind as a whole. It's a way for us to separate each other and stand out proud and loud. It’s a way to make it that when we die that we did exist! we did live! we lived through pain, through sadness, through hardship, and when we die, remember the best and worst of our lives. But, the idea of identity in death would soon fade. You see, death was something that got overlooked a lot before technology came around. Newspaper and other sources would talk about it but it would just feel like a everyday thing with no true meaning. As time went on death had started to fade in thoughts through entertainment or just the busy bodies of the world and work place. But, with the rise of social media and online networks like facebook, twitter, snapchat and instagram as quoted from the New York times article ‘’Ghosts in the machine’’ by Jenna Wortham ‘’The near pervasiveness of social technology has delivered death back into our daily interactions.’’. Thanks to the these social media sites you are always reminded of death. It could come from anywhere a friend, family, love one or even a actor/actress you like.   

While others would not want it that way and would do anything to not be themselves. Some People sooner forget who they used to be and wear the mask of someone else or even live a persona they made up. No one really knows why some people want to do this or even what can cause this want, on the surface that is. If we were to dive deeper into someone’s psyche we would find that it could be due to some form of self hate, abuse or even pride. With pride it’s because of making up the idea of a greater person. Let’s use ‘’The Great Gatsby’’ as an example of using a made up person to get farther away from oneself. Using the main man of the story himself, Gatsby. Gatsby was a very smart, rich, cunning and outrageous character with many things making him the most memorable out of all the characters in the book. But, this was nothing more than a fake mask he wore to empress the woman he loved so much that his very mansion was right across the waters from where she lived. He made up this character so well and so mysterious that everyone just ended up making stories up about him like how one of his maids says this ‘’Somebody told me he killed a man once.’’ and for it to be followed up by another woman saying ‘’Oh no,’’ said the first girl, ‘’it couldn’t be that, because he was in the American army during the war.’’.

All the stories told were lies and over ex duration. He was nothing more than a poor man who built himself up rich and due to his building of the character people had never really got a description of what he looked like, only what he acted like. All they ever did was come to his house for his open parties and when he died not a single person from those parties came to his funeral.

Death in Identity is being completely forgotten from the face of the Earth. Something we all want to avoid at all times. Life is hard as it is and no one wants to die and just get forgotten like some lost toy. That's we try so hard to live our lives to the fullest and do the craziest things so were remembered for the outlandish things we did. That is the importance of understanding Death in Identity.  
