Advanced Art Q1 Drawings

In quarter one of Advance Art in Ms. Hulls class, I was assigned with drawing a model of Gabe, a classmate. I was supposes to draw what I see but when I did I put a fictional look on it because I'm so used to drawing manga. Here is what it looked like.


I'm not that well with drawing realistic. Well, no, I'm good at drawing realistic but I don't like it. I'm good with measuring the human body and making it look correct, I like drawing hair so that was a given, but the most difficult part positioning the arms the right way. 

So then I was told to draw two glass/ see through objects.



The first one I kind of rushed it and I messed up a little. However, the second one I felt confident on because I put the grey scale down first and it was fun and easy because I was drawing with the eraser. I wasn't really inspired more as I just did it to do it, but I fully understand how clear objects work and how they distort light and the images you see behind them, so I found this task a little simple.

