Advanced Essay #1: All Lives Matter

Zaeem Wallace-Parker                                                                   


English 3

My goal for this paper was to find a deep meaning in my image and connect it to a real world problem going on today. I feel like I found a very great topic to touch on and give my reasoning on something that is not very criticized at all. I would improve the repetition because it's some topics and facts that have brought up and then later in the paper speak on that topic again.

In 2013, a movement that goes by the name Black Lives Matter, began to promote their slogan and motto against police brutality and injustice. The movement is being supported by many other blacks and even networks such as B.E.T. . The only problem with Black Lives Matter is that they’re segregating themselves from other races whenever they say the words “ black lives matter.” Black Lives Matter is creating a bigger problem in this post-racist and discriminating world.

Black Lives Matter is a movement that began in 2013 after George Zimmerman was found not guilty of the murder of Trayvon Martin. Black Lives Matter campaigns against police brutality against African Americans. The movement grew stronger after the death of two unarmed African Americans last year. Those two guys were Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri and Eric Garner of New York City. People spontaneously added and followed Black Lives Matter social media and re-posted their trending hashtag Black Lives Matter.

Although Black Lives Matter was created, it has a major flaw in its purpose. Black Lives Matter only campaigns for those who are black. Which is said here , in the second sentence of the first paragraph. The problem is that police brutality is not only inflicted on those with color, it happens to everyone. Black Lives Matters is seeing a view of what life was back in the Jim Crow era not today. Today 352 people ( of all races) in the U.S. have been killed by the law enforcement. 623 people were killed by the law enforcement last year. Those numbers included people of all races in the U.S. not just African Americans.

Most African Americans, especially those who support Black Lives Matter, still see an unbalance amount of justices against whites and black. They think that the law enforcement prefer whites over black which is sometimes true but mostly uncommon nowadays. Here’s proof that officers do not discriminate in colors of the skin As I said before all 975 people who killed this and last year were not all black.

People who don’t follow Black Lives Matter campaigns believe in the statements I made earlier. Some are even going against the hashtag Black Lives Matter and are saying #AllLivesMatter. It’s like Black Lives Matter is creating this boundary between blacks and other races. They might not believe in that way but that’s the way it looks because the name of their movement. It’s like saying we only care about the black guy or lady that was killed about the police. Black Lives Matter is creating a bigger problem than just police brutality and injustice and they should be criticized for it.

The founders and supporters of Black Lives Matter don’t see that they are idolizing black supremacy. Now it’s ok to be angry and upset when black are treated wrong by the police. But, in the process of being upset don’t discount those who are not black. Mexicans and other hispanics are killed and harassed by the police every day. They can’t be in our country without permission! 14 year old Ahmed Mohamed was arrested for having for a homemade clock in school. The police discriminated him and saw for his culture and not for who he truly is, a smart young American.

This essay is not to discredit Black Lives Matter, don’t get me wrong their movement was made for a good cause. It’s to educate those who don’t see the flaw and what may be the outcome of this movement. This movement is on a path that’s causing segregation all over again. They’re segregating their beliefs from those who are not black and those who don’t believe in Black Lives Matter. The same thing goes for all the other black supremacy movements like Black Girls Rock. As a nation we should all care for each others races and maybe just maybe we would have a better country. Stuff like this goes back to the Civil Rights Movement. Dr. Martin Luther King believed in All Lives Matter. While other leaders such as Malcolm X on saw and believed in the injustice against blacks at the time. Therefore he was supportive of Black Lives Matter or black supremacy. Black Lives Matter is movement that adding fuel to fire. They’re doing what whites were doing 60-70 years ago. They’re trying to rise against all other races and cultures instead of just coming together as 1. You never know maybe police will even join in!
