Advanced Essay #1: Today Was The Day
This essay tells the story of change and the different emtions one feels about a wedding. for most people weds are something we look forward to but for me, it was something I dreaded. I spoke on the emotions I felt and how the reationship would neever be the same. The goal of my essay was to share an expeiernce and shed insight. In the future, I would consider adding more of my own thoughts and figuring out ways to be more descriptive.
Today Was The Day
Seven years ago, I woke up excited as ever jumping off my bed and looking at what time it was. 5:00 AM. Jubilant remembering that today was finally the day. I still remember the feeling as if it was yesterday. Today was the day I kept telling myself. This was because I was going to see my first wedding ever. My cousin was to get married today. September 7 in the year 2012. And I was going to be in the wedding. That made me even more excited. I wanted to get there early so I can have time to see her get ready and to get ready with her. PS I think I was even more happy they were allowing me to wear makeup. So I started saying to myself, “ Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!” I brushed my teeth, wash my face and threw some clothes, and pack a bag with the dress I was to wear to the wedding. Then I eagerly ran down the steps to put my sneakers on. I finally met my mother in the kitchen and asked, “Mom can we leave to go to the hotel now?
“No” she replied.
She said, “If you don’t eat first, you don't have any energy for all the preparations for today. And plus I still have to get dressed. Did you even brush your teeth and wash your face yet?”
With frustration, I replied, “Yes” and sat down at the table to eat my breakfast. I was having pancakes and sausage. I wanted to have more food, but that meant my mother would take longer. So I just threw my plate away and waited for her to get dressed. In about 45 minutes she was finally ready to leave.
Those 45 mins lasted a lifetime, each minute, every second seemed to last forever. I tried to pass by the time by watching tv. I turned it to 255. TeenNick. Which was my favorite at the time along with Disney Channel. It seemed to keep the anxiousness away for about a min or less, then it would slowly creep back in and I was anxious all over again. I was still hungry even though I didn’t want to admit it, so in the meantime, I raided the cabinets for any snacks I could find. I had about 5 pack of fruit snacks. Every 5 mins I would run to the bottom of the step and yell ¨ARE YOU READY YET?¨ each time was the same answer. She replied ¨ yet not¨ until she was.
Fastword, we are now at the wedding. Everyone is dressed and ready to go. Somehow I've managed to keep my dress in tacked and not spoil my makeup, which had me looking the best I've looked in days. This was my opinion of course. There was an order in which we are to go. There are me and my cousin and then to follow was the groomsmen and bridesmaids and lastly the bride. She was happy, her smile was from ear to ear. You could see the joy in her eyes. Today was the day.
Although this was supposed to be a joyful moment it made me cry. Because I knew from this moment on I would come second. The relationship that we once had would no longer be because instead of my cousin she would now be known as Mrs.Adekunle. It would no longer be just the two of us. I know this was a selfish but that was all I could think ¨would she still remembers me?” In different stages of our lives, we change whether we know it or not. In the saying, ¨life goes on¨ I believed this could be stated in this situation as well. Because she was going into a new stage of life there were bound to be changed along with them. In a society like today, we don't control the change but the change controls us. It was out of me that she would be moving and starting a new life and the act of marriage is one of these milestones in your life that brings change. Whether we want it to happen or not. Because society sets rules as to what a normal life looks like, marriage being apart of it we learn that once you have entered marriage relationships will change. Just as the one with my cousin and I. After she saw me crying she came over and asked what was wrong, Once I told her she gave me reassurance, telling me that thing would change even though I knew things had already had.
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