Advanced Essay #2: Environment Changes


My goals for my paper was having enough evidence making sure my writing has some kind of flow, have a way to ease into my essay, and no grammar errors. Something that I am proud of with my writing is that I actually accomplished all of my goals that I had when I wrote my paper. I would like my readers to notice my analysis and how I tried to relate real life people when talking about change.

                Environment Changes 

If all places were the same, people would stay where they are, instead of exploring other options. In different areas of the world, there are always different things going on. The main differences are people, culture, and opportunities.. Human migration usually happens when there is something going on that shouldn’t be or just looking for a better life. When coming to a new environment, change plays a big part in adapting.

Something that is common in certain places is refugee crisis. By having refugee crisis, it makes people want to get out of wherever they are to keep themselves and family as safe as possible. With this, they have to leave where they came from and start a new life. For example, in the book Exit West, Nadia and Saeed had to adapt to all the places they went to, so that they can be safe. When Saeed and Nadia arrived to a specific house, after going through a magical door, Nadia immediately made herself at home. She did this by immediately washing her clothes and taking a hot shower to get herself and her clothes clean. Saeed was shocked by how fast Nadia was adapting to where she was, but at the same time, Nadia knew she had to adapt sooner than later. From this example, this shows that since this is a new change, you have to learn how to be comfortable, because everywhere you go isn’t always going to be what you want it to be.

Another example is when Darling first came to America in the book We Need New Names. One of the first things she had to adapt to in America was the seasonal weather. At this time, it was winter, and Darling has never experience the outside being as cold as it was, because in Africa, it’s usually always warm. By Darling feeling something new, it shows that each day she will have to adapt to something, until she’s used to it.

Once you are used to the environment you are in, that’s when the change within yourself really starts. For example, in the book We Need New Names, one of the things that Darling starts to change is her appearance. When she used to live in Paradise, she didn’t like getting dressed up or taking showers. The only time that she got dressed up and clean was when she had to go to church, but once she arrived to the United States, that changed. On page 169, it says, “I finish putting on my lip gloss, smack my lips together like I’ve seen Aunt Fostalina do.” This specific quote shocked me, because back in Paradise, Darling barely even wanted to take showers. Now that she is in America, she is being exposed to different things. With her being in America, she can be herself and most importantly, focus on what she wants to be in the future without being judged by others. Darling trying new things also shows that she is growing up in a way. Usually when girls wear makeup around her age, it shows that she is starting to mature and interested. Appearance is something that changes in lots of girls as they get older. It’s a preference that every girl has and it’s something that frequently changes.

Another way that Darling has changed in the book We Need New Names, is her way with communication. The day that Darling was leaving to come to the United States, she promised her friends that she would call and send letters to them, but that changed once she settled in. On page 212, it says, “One part is yearning for my friends; the other doesn’t know how to connect with them anymore, as if they are people I’ve never met.” This quote explains that there’s one part of Darling that feels like she will always miss her friends and misses the things they used to do together, but she also feels like she can’t connect with them anymore. This has a lot to do with coming to America, of course. Since her friends are back in Africa, they don’t know what it feels like to live in America. By Darling living in America, she is starting to adjust, and the girl she was back in Africa is slowly fading. Change can sometimes be a good thing and others times it can be a bad thing. The good and the bad part about it is that it can either make you a better or worse person. There is conflict that comes with this change. By deciding how you want to handle change, there are other people that will like or dislike the person you’ve become.

Something similar to this is Exit west, it says, “While they wished to look out for each other, and to keep tabs on each other, staying in touch took a toll on them, serving as an unsettling reminder of a life not lived, and also they grew less worried each for the other, less worried that the other would need them to be happy, and eventually a month went by without any contact, and then a year, and then a lifetime.” This quote shows that relationships is another thing that doesn’t always work out. The feelings that people can have towards each other can change by the changes people make with themselves. Changes in friendships and relationships are always going to happen. You might not see who a specific person for who they really are, until later on. By having a different perspective of someone makes you not know how to connect with them anymore.

In conclusion, change can happen in multiple forms. Change can happen with your appearance, communication, and your connection towards people. These types of changes aren’t something that is made by force; it is made normally as you are processing as a person. Some people may or may not like the new changes you make within yourself. The more people are exposed to new things and new people, changes within the self’s mind start to change as well.


Quotes from We Need New Names and Exit West

“Exit West Quotes by Mohsin Hamid.” Goodreads, Goodreads,
