Advanced Essay #3: How Money Shapes Us
“Money is a tool. Used properly it makes something beautiful; used wrong, it makes a mess.” We are so used to thinking that money can just get us anything that we want to possess in life which can lead us to obsess over it. Money is a concept that can be used to get through things and achieve a part of our goals. But, it does not necessarily mean that it can buy us joy in life. Through money, we can have material things to satisfy our needs and wants. It is also something that we can rely on to get through different situations in life. However, it can be very difficult to handle if we don’t use it wisely. For example, a person who has an abundance of money may abuse its value by spending heavily on material things, but later in life, this person regrets how he/she acted because of how it affected him/her physically, emotionally, and mentally. The thought of money can be very satisfying because it makes us wonder about all the possibilities that we can do with it in life. Money is not just something that is made out of paper or copper but, it can affect many of us in different ways because of its importance and value in society.
“The bottom line: money appears to have both positive and negative effects on our behavior. On the one hand, it encourages self-sufficiency and hard work; but on the other, it discourages some positive social interaction.” Money can be a very problematic thing if we do not handle it correctly. Growing up, my mom hardly exposed my sister and I to money. We would get small amounts of money here and there for our allowance usually in the morning before we leave for school. She would reach for her purse and hand us over the crumpled 100 Peso bill which equivalents to 2 US Dollars. At the time, that was big for me especially not really having to buy anything because I packed my own lunch and I was being dropped off and picked up to and from my elementary school. I didn’t get an allowance everyday, only when my mom asks me if I needed some money for food or a school project. Growing up, I was always too shy to ask my mom for money because I always waited for her signal. But, I am glad that this was a consistent act because over the years I realized how important it is to work hard for your own money and how it can help you grow as a person if you’re handling your own money.
Through my childhood experiences, I grew up hearing that “money doesn’t grow on trees.” This has been a well-known saying that everyone is familiar with. I always heard this saying growing up and I still believe it is true. Money isn’t easy to have as it comes and goes, therefore, it needs to be used wisely. My mom always taught my sister and I to be smart when it comes to handling our money so we can be financially stable later in life. I knew that this was a good advice that I can always carry on to prepare me for adulthood and life, in general. Money can always make great things to happen, but we have to be wise about it because it can either make us or break us. Sources:
Castillo, Stephanie, and Stephanie Castillo Stephanie Is an Avid Writer, Runner, and Snacker, Though Not at the Same Time. Read More. "The Mental Effects Of Money." Medical Daily. N.p., 27 Feb. 2015. Web. 18 Jan. 2017.
Gregoire, Carolyn. "How Money Changes The Way We Think And Behave." The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2017.
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