Advanced Essay 3 Be Yourself, Love Yourself


In my paper my central question was “Is it healthy to have a private self or public self?" One goal for my piece of writing was to just let my readers know that you should just be YOURSELF regardless of what people say about you because everyone gets talked about. Although I don’t think it’s bad to have a private and public self I just believe it shouldn’t matter how you think people view you.


Most people act one way in public and another way in private because they feel like they can’t be themselves without being judged. At least once in a lifetime there was a moment where you may have felt uncomfortable with your environment and felt like you couldn’t be yourself. Struggling with these internal conflicts can really mess one’s confidence up and it can make one feel down. Famous people don’t really have it easy either, most of them are lost and trapped in a mind that is there but don’t really know how to separate their famous stage self to their personal home self. Finding who you are and your identity can come with many challenges in life but it starts with being comfortable in your own skin.

When I think of a public and personal identity I think of a Disney star Miley Cyrus. She was originally was on Disney channel which is mainly for kids and that’s how her career started in the music business. As her career took off, she started to grow up and grow into the women she is now, and she wanted to do more ‘grownup’ things. She felt held back because she knew she had a bunch of young kids watching her, but the Miley Cyrus on TV is not the real Miley Cyrus in real life, it’s only her when she reads the script. She struggled with handling this at first when she was transitioning. As years went on, she started to feel comfortable maybe even way too comfortable that she started to show her body on stage, create more sexual music and not caring too much about what people thought about her. Miley Cyrus once said: "I'm not really scared or insecure about anything because I'm used to people judging me. I'm used to people knocking me down, so I'm used to getting back up." This is a mindset that most people don’t have so it’s really inspiring to hear someone so famous and big say something like this and know that we aren’t alone.

Not only famous people struggle with a private and public identity, but everyone does. It can be looked at as a insecurity thing. You may think that people won’t accept you for who your true self is so you try to change and maybe act like them, or act the way you think they’ll accept you. I personally never ‘changed’ myself for anyone but I do remember a time where I know I just didn’t belong in a friend group that I associated myself with. I just got really bad vibes from certain people and I knew they would talk about me behind my back about how my personality doesn’t match theirs. Of course I cared and thought about how would I be able to fit in without being judged but after a while you forget and just start not to care. Being talked about isn’t the best feeling in the world, some people (like me) start to become self conscious, insecure and doubtful. You begin to put yourself down and you start to see the negative side of yourself rather than the positive beautiful side.

You shouldn’t let your insecurities, judgements define you. We all have once struggled with accepting something about ourselves, but that shouldn’t hold us back from being the people that we were brought on this earth to be. Ralph Emerson a famous poet observed, “ to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Love yourself there's nothing wrong with that, loving and accepting yourself is one of the most beautiful things you can possibly do and experience. Once you find yourself and accept yourself you won't care what the next person has to say about you.

Being judged is normal, having a private and public self is normal, holding back is also normal so none of these things are bad. Letting these negative things in are bad, keep them out, never let your head down and don’t look back. Finding who are may come with being talked about and maybe even being let down. It’s your job to find comfort in your own skin and to love yourself matter what is said about you.

Work Cited

"'Miley: The Movement': 10 Most Memorable Quotes From Miley Cyrus' Deluxe Doc."The Hollywood Reporter. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2017.

"Be Yourself Quotes." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2017.
