Aiden Cubbage Capstone

My capstone was based on learning and developing ways humans will grow food on mars. I took 2 different approaches with this project. First i developed a system where I made a mock mars soil using sand dirt and clay. Using this mock soil i created a process of watering and heating the soil to wash out the perchlorates that will be in martian soil. I then used this improved martian soil and placed them in 3 gallon buckets and planted and fertilized potatoes I was able to grow over 10 potatoes in the farm in my short time planting them. My second method was using hydroponics to plant other vegetables by using water to grow the plants it could save weight going up to space instead of soil. using 5 gallon buckets and a giant tote bin i was able to hydroponically grow basil tomatoes and cucumbers. this would greatly improve the martian diet and help self sufficiency on mars. I added a system to automatically drip feed the plants nutrients. using PVC valves. using a fish tank bubbler i can oxygenate the water preventing the plants from dying. and I used an arduino to Project the temperature onto an LCD screen allowing me to monitor the system thoroughly. My hope is similar technologies will be developed to help astronauts advance humanity throughout our solar system

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