Alex's Slide

How I created the slide.

I decided on a contrast theme. I happened to like Keynote’s blueprint theme and changed the text to green. I used the Project, Name, and Date forms creatively as a description of myself. I decided the pictures should do the rest for me and added a terminal (my second home) and a picture of Dr Who’s Tardis to make my slide look like a computer screen. For a finishing touch I added one of my favorite quotes. My slide isn't very minimal but it communicates me very well and is neat, clean, and eye-catching.

My new Slide
​I decided to get rid of unnecessary additions and just keep a terminal as the whole image. I also added shadowed text that blended in with the terminal

Comments (2)

Jonas Bromley (Student 2016)
Jonas Bromley

I noticed how you made the terminal bigger. I wonder how it would look if you changed the word "hacker" to a color that would contrast with the green like maybe a bright orange or a red. What if you zoomed in on some of the text.