Alex's slide

For my Me Magazine slide I did got my research from this article that showed me the best way to do my 1 slide. But what matters here is, why would I create my ! slide the way I did? There was a lot of stuff I could have added but since I only had a 1 slide limit then I only picked what was important and what truly represented me. Of course everything represented me but I only chose what showed me the most. I liked the layout and I believe that it is pretty self explanatory. These non copyrighted pictures represent me in the sense of who I am. The tacos represents my favorite food, the soccer ball represents what sport I like to play, Tamalex represents my favorite restaurant, the volcano the San Mateo Ozolco, Mexico represents where I come from, the American flag represents where I am currently living, and Penn Park represents where I show my soccer skills. This is only some stuff that represent me but at the end of the day it’s me.

For my Me Magazine slide I did get my research from this article that showed me the best way to do my 1 slide. But what matters here is, why would I create my ! slide the way I did? There was a lot of stuff I could have added but since I only had a 1 slide limit then I only picked what was important and what truly represented me. Of course everything represented me but I only chose what showed me the most. I liked the layout and I believe that it is pretty self explanatory. These non copyrighted pictures represent me in the sense of who I am. The tacos represents my favorite food, the soccer ball represents what sport I like to play, Tamalex represents my favorite restaurant, the volcano the San Mateo Ozolco, Mexico represents where I come from, the American flag represents where I am currently living, and Penn Park represents where I show my soccer skills. This is only some stuff that represent me but at the end of the day it’s me.
  • What did you learn from the critique of your slide? I learned that best one slide is always organized and should be creative and not so basic. I also learned that the best slide is always eye catching. You never want to put a long text because no one has time to read a long text. Always put the most creative stuff on the slide. You always have to put the most important things on a slide. Don't put too much because then it looks dis organized. 
  • Why did you make the changes you made to the slide? I made the changes I made because based on the feedback I got from my group members they said to be more organized. Even though I organized my work I did change it a little because the word "Me" was very basic and boring. I changed the color to red because it made it pop more. I also changed the theme because before there was some weird thing on it and so now it's just black and looks a lot better. It also makes the pictures and "Me" pop out a lot more.
  • How did the research you did help to create a better slide? It helped me because I did everything like it said I just wasn't organized. It also said to only include the most important things. That's because it will be more eye catching. You always want to have the basic but good stuff so that you can make the reader process what you did. Don't try to add a lot of color because then it will look really messy and it won't be satisfying.
  • What were some of the sources you used to create an amazing slide? I just used Ted Blog which game tips on how to make a better slide.
one slide me magazine (4)
