Alex Chuon Capstone
My capstone was an economics class where I taught students how to cook good tasting healthy food to prep their college life. For my capstone there were some tools that I would need like (hotplates, pans, spoons, and plates) to get them I decided to use the Braskem funding so that money would not be a problem that I would face with my capstone. At first I thought that getting people to attend the meetings would be a problem because I didn't know how much the other students would care for a cooking class, but once I actually started the class I noticed that a lot more people than I thought were coming because they were happy to be making good food that they could eat. Overall I enjoyed my capstone even though planning it wasn't easy, finding suitable recipes that fits the criteria, buying the ingredients, and all the work I had to do before was stressful. I liked the end result and being able to work with other people and eat afterwards was fun. If possible I want to transition my capstone from just a temporary economics club to an actual elective. This is because I feel like everyone should know how to cook, it's an important skill that will make college and just life in general easier. Hopefully the people that attended my capstone was able to get a grasp of what cooking is like, how fun and easy it can be, while also learning the importance of cooking your own food from scratch than buying ready-to-eat type foods such as top ramen.
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