Alexander Ringgold
In the third quarter of my Art class I was assigned a different drawing every week, and, honestly, I didn't really enjoy it. It was ok, but I rather just draw in my manga every week, but here is what I drew.
The first thing I think I drew in the third quarter was my face in charcoal. It's disproportional and my eyes are girly and big but I'm just proud of the shading.

Then we were assigned to draw our hands from real life. This only made me self conscious of my hands and how old they look. I've been practicing hands for my manga so this was kinda easy. The first one was my hand and my wrist band on, but then I added a tattoo because, why not? The second one is a joke of some making a backwards L and misspelling Loser into Joser. Joser is a good band name, I should keep that in mind.

The next assignment wanted us to draw a person in real life, so I drew my friend Natalie. I think this drawing is an insult to her appearance and I hope she doesn't sue me when I post this on a public website. I only like her hair an shading because I get those skills from drawing manga.

The next one is another picture of me smiling my creepy smile of mine, but I guess the bad face compensates for the cool hat. Also I look very tired in this picture and my venom undershirt poking out looks kinda cool.

My next picture is my first clear container, it was a plastic juice pitcher and I probably had the most difficult time with this as I am a perfectionist and I wanted it to be perfect. The picture is anything but perfect.

My last picture is a glass vase with a piece of non edible vegetation inside. The vase nor the non edibility stop me from eating that scrumptious piece of vegetation and draw an ok picture of the vase.

The first thing I think I drew in the third quarter was my face in charcoal. It's disproportional and my eyes are girly and big but I'm just proud of the shading.
Then we were assigned to draw our hands from real life. This only made me self conscious of my hands and how old they look. I've been practicing hands for my manga so this was kinda easy. The first one was my hand and my wrist band on, but then I added a tattoo because, why not? The second one is a joke of some making a backwards L and misspelling Loser into Joser. Joser is a good band name, I should keep that in mind.
The next assignment wanted us to draw a person in real life, so I drew my friend Natalie. I think this drawing is an insult to her appearance and I hope she doesn't sue me when I post this on a public website. I only like her hair an shading because I get those skills from drawing manga.
The next one is another picture of me smiling my creepy smile of mine, but I guess the bad face compensates for the cool hat. Also I look very tired in this picture and my venom undershirt poking out looks kinda cool.
My next picture is my first clear container, it was a plastic juice pitcher and I probably had the most difficult time with this as I am a perfectionist and I wanted it to be perfect. The picture is anything but perfect.
My last picture is a glass vase with a piece of non edible vegetation inside. The vase nor the non edibility stop me from eating that scrumptious piece of vegetation and draw an ok picture of the vase.
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