"American Dream" In The Future
This is a picture of the "American Dream" in the future that will soon turn into a nightmare. In the past few years, the amount of teenage pregnancies have gone up dramatically. Kids are having kids which made them learn to grow up fast. In the population of the people is increasing also due to kids and adults having kids that they aren't financially stable for, the competition has gone up for education, jobs, and living the average "American Dream". In my picture, I was describing that the next decade will care more about electronics, Facebook, Twitter, non-social interaction with people and worship that more than morals that America was set on. Also I believe that the more females there are pregnant and since America is a debt, than dads won't be around being there and not giving money which will have more single moms. Also since the population is increasing there won't be enough room for every kid to go to America. So most kids won't have that opportunity to be that one step ahead because of the actions and consequences of others.
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