Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie a great person in many ways, known mostly for her acting. Yet the way she carries herself and the way she works with herself and her family and the media in her life; she is doing great! She is a person that is admired in many ways for she has great standards and tells things to people the way it is, she uses her platform to advocate for others. She is a great feminist and believes that women should have a strong sense of self for they can do anything and should be treated in that way also; meaning equally. She also pushes back on beauty standards and thinks that women are not needed to be a certain way in order to a women; she thinks all women are beautiful the way they are and there should not be certain standards. She is also a great fan of individuality. She takes her own accomplishments and reflects, telling others that they can be who they are no matter how different you are, for different is good. In a way she seems like a feminist genius for the thoughts and ideas in her are great and full of meaning.

An actress, UN diplomat, and  philanthropist. Angelina Jolie has proved herself to be a great person to the public and her family many times. “According to a poll conducted by YouGov, Jolie topped the list of 25,000 people in 23 countries. Many familiar names popped up on the list, and under Jolie, such as Malala Yousafzai, Hillary Clinton, The Queen, Michelle Obama, Celine Dion, Oprah Winfrey, Julia Roberts, Aung San Suu Kyi, and Angela Merkel” says  Angelina Jolie has a character in which many do not have. She has the heart and soul in order to be honored greatly by many. Inspiring many to be who they are today and do certain actions. Many women have been inspired by her for the great health stance she has brought upon many. Jolie revealed how the health decision empowered her as a women while encouraging others. She empowered women to come forward with their own breast cancer stories and to take better care of their health. Jolie chose to share her double-mastectomy story while most would not have, changing the face of breast cancer awareness in many ways.   

While many women and men have come together in many different ways in order to improve and give a positive impact towards gender equality. Many that are similar ways and many different. Jolie creates a positive impact in gender equality for she tells women that they can be free to be who they are. Jolie has many strong cores that she tries to show people in order to create equality. While her strongest and passion to show to women is for women to take control of their health and for no one to make them feel less like a women. Her second most strongest stance is to show women of all ages to not feel like they have to follow society's footsteps but that they can be different. For women to be who they strive to be. “I am writing about it now because I hope that other women can benefit from my experience. Cancer is still a word that strikes fear into people’s hearts, producing a deep sense of powerlessness. But today it is possible to find out through a blood test whether you are highly susceptible to breast and ovarian cancer, and then take action.” A quote that comes from Jolie, she wrote a piece about women and cancer titled “My Medical Choice” which then was published on ‘New York Times.’ Jolie has given women a new hope that shines through to get the right needed medical information they need in order to be healthy. While most women at first did not go through their health problems so much for it made them seem like womanly to others, at least that is how society has put it. Yet Jolie has taught that you must take care of yourself and nothing is wrong with that.

Jolie does not have one cause towards improving and help equality and women but she has many. One that is she strong about is female refugee. “Alongside Foreign secretary William Hague, last year Jolie held a global Summit which welcomed over 100 countries and 900 experts which aimed to help find an end to sexual violence in conflict. As well as visiting women affected by sex crimes in war torn countries and listening to their experiences, Jolie recently opened a centre to fight warzone violence against women – the first of its type in Europe.” A quote taken from In a news blog from the UK. While her endless campaigning to help female refuges in many places, she tries her best to tell girls and women of all types and ages to do their best and not to worry about the society. To do what they feel is right and to get to the goals they want. Jolie has a mission to share with women all over that they deserve equality and justice. She inspires women to stand up for what they need and want, including health needs. For women to do what they need, and not to feel less like a woman, and Jolie shows how women should not live up to a standard but to just be who she wants to be.

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