Animal Cruelty Blog #2

Since my last blog, I came up with new information and a survey on animal cruelty. I made a survey on how people feel about animal cruelty and if they have any knowledge on it as well. Out of the 22 people who took the survey, 18 people  had pets at home. 10 of those people adopted their pets which is good because the animal could have been through tough times with another family or was abused and treated wrong. I then asked if they know what animal do they think is the number 1 animal tested on and mostly all the people said mice. That is a good guess but, there is no number one animal. Dogs, cats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, and monkeys are the main test subjects used to benefit us. For example, these animals are tested on by lotion, cosmetics, or anything that will be the newest thing for human skin or to make us look better in some way. Usually, the animals have their body parts amputated such as tails, a leg, arm, or anything else that will get tested on. I asked then is people think that people should test on animals and lots of people said no because they are living creatures like us or that you wouldn't like if someone tested on you so you shouldn't do it to them.My last question was if people would have seen an animal on the street limping, wounded, bleeding or starving, would they stop to help it or see what is going on with it. 11 people said yes which is really good and helpful. The rest of people said it depends, no, or not sure which is ok too but I think  some people think that none of that is their business and  then just walk away from the animal.
