Anna Diemer- Rocket Recap Capstone

Anyone, coaches, players, or managers, will know how difficult and confusing navigating Arbiter Live and Maxpreps is, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. There is often so much information on so many different schools that pops up when you only want to see yours. Additionally, there is not a lot of information on anything besides scores and final results. I wanted the SLA community to know what happened at games they couldn’t watch in person. Due to our location, almost every single sport plays home games up to half an hour by car away and not easily accessible by SEPTA. Most students can’t go to watch games even if they wanted to. From all of these shortcomings, my capstone project emerged. As a response to all of these issues I founded a weekly sports newsletter. I named it the “Rocket Recap” and I released an edition every Monday recapping the previous week of sports news. The Recap would include summaries of games, scores, individuals’ stats, player interviews, teacher trivia, and so much more.

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