Another days story
Today was on/off day, if you know what i mean. Early today i was with my record label. Now as some may know and others may not, we are in a beef, battle with this other “record label”.Now we thought we had finally cornered these guys. We found out that their leader was using lines that someone else wrote for him. Now some people find that may be fine, but to me, who spends times actually thinking about what im gonna say, thats a disgrace. So we take it to the people who are supposed to be judges, but they are among the people who say its ok to suck and have other people write for you. Im beginning to believe this is a very biased battle. but thats fine cause when we win, it will undoubtedly prove were the better label. So after school i was chillin with my vice pres, slim, my lucky lefty Oscar and my bestie best best kamille and we were actin goofy as hell. that was awesome. afterschool i went to the grave of my departed best friend….i know its weird but it helps me calm down and…ya know….maybe ya dont….anyway, when i got home, they told me my cuz is in the hospital but gave no reason why…so now im worried…what a day….i was talking to my old friend Aaron and he told me to cheer up even though i was on the brink of having a fit….his words were “as long as i've known you {since kindergarten] youve been a monster. fighting, super energetic and husky as heck…a devil in premature form…and not once have you never cried. so why start now? right? ahahahaha devil may cry was based off of you so dont cry..devils never cry like the game says”…corny right? but its the best pick me up ive ever been given….lesson of the day, always count on your friends
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