Anthony Acevedo Capstone

For my Capstone project, I embarked on a 40-day social media detox during Lent to observe the effects on my mental health as a teenager. This practical experience was complemented by journaling my daily routine, volunteering to help the homeless, providing security at church events, and collaborating with my church community in Kensington. Additionally, I conducted research by listening to podcasts focused on mental health and the impact of social media usage.

The primary challenge was overcoming the initial withdrawal from social media and balancing the project with school and work responsibilities. However, through commitment and effective time management, I persevered.

This project allowed me to gain valuable insights into the impact of social media on mental well-being, develop self-discipline, and appreciate the power of community engagement. I learned the importance of mindfulness and finding a healthy balance in our digital lives.

If given the opportunity to undertake this project again, I would incorporate a more structured research plan, potentially including surveys or interviews, and extend the duration of the social media detox to observe long-term effects more thoroughly. Furthermore, I would explore the potential benefits of incorporating mindfulness practices, such as meditation or yoga, to enhance the overall experience and promote a holistic approach to mental well-being. Additionally, I would seek to collaborate with mental health professionals or experts in the field to gain deeper insights and validate my findings.

I just want to say again I am super passionate about doing this and what I was able to do with my mentality. Thanks SLA and other helpers along the way of my capstone.

Just a nice picture I captured of a rainy night on Kensington & Somerset, when me and some friends from church served coffee to the homeless.

Slides with Final Product

Annotated Bibliography All Pages

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Anthony Acevedo Capstone Annotated Bibliography (1)
A rainy night on Kensington & Somerset,  when me and  some friends from church served coffee to the homeless. WE JUST LOVE JESUS!!
A rainy night on Kensington & Somerset, when me and some friends from church served coffee to the homeless. WE JUST LOVE JESUS!!
