Applying for Welfare Benefits

Flow Chart: Applying for Welfare benefits


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Welfare: How Do I Get On Welfare?

Eligibility: To be eligible for welfare, one must be a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted to the country for permanent residence, have little to no income. When a person applies for welfare, his/her citizenship is reviewed as well as each household member before access can be granted. A social securities number is required for all applicants. Social securities numbers will be needed not only for the applicant, but the each member living in the household of the applicant.  Work requirement vary depending on the state an applicant. Some states provide work and/or training programs. Work is not always required for some applicants. For example, an individual in a single-parent household, with a child under 12 months old, may be temporarily excused from work requirements. Temporarily or permanently disabled recipients, and those involved in substance abuse programs are also excused from work. Applicants attending college may be exempt from work as long as their education meets welfare requirements.

Application Process: all applicants must complete the welfare application. You may download the application, then mail for processing. Or, you can find your nearest “human services” or welfare office and fill out an application in person. An online application is also available.  If you need help with the application, contact your caseworker for assistance. Your caseworker will tell you which programs you are eligible for. Some programs may require documentation to prove your income, bills, marital status, and other information. After you’ve submitted all necessary documentation along with your application to your caseworker, he/she will submit the paperwork and let you know if you are eligible.
