April Woodburn, Tech Class, My Slide Comparison

Recently in Ms. Hull's ninth grade Tech Class, The Mean Green Stream has been working with slide design elements to help create successful slideshows for projects. To test our own design abilities, Ms. Hull had us create our own slides to represent ourselves. We had to present our slides in class and explain the design elements we used. My first slide design was this:        


I used a white background against black and red lettering for a high contrast effect that should catch the eye. you also see the element of contrast with the dark green army guy against white. the bright orange explosion against a brown box also provides a good sense of contrast. However, the text, while important, doesn't leave as big a mark on the viewer than the image. So the black text can be made smaller and put out of the way. Right now the top text draws the eye away from the big picture.

Here is my revised slide:  


As you can see, I made the box and explosion much bigger to show the importance of them. The top text is much smaller so it does not distract the viewer from the big picture. I also made the more important text bigger and set it in front of the image so that it brings the eye down from the picture and to the text. I used the rule of the third to place the content so that the chaos looks organized.

Here you can look at them bigger.

