Are You Always Going to Have Authority Over Me?
Here at SLA we learn to be leaders and today I was robbed of that chance. Every Monday and Thursday I give up my X band lunch to student teach freshman drama. This is part of capstone but I would do it even it wasn't. Today Mr. Kay was absent and I had a plan. But this plan went downhill the minute I walked in. Every word that came out of my mouth was undermined by the substitute that was present. Now I understand that the readers of this might be think well she is the adult figure in this classroom and your still a student. And this would be true for small situations; like if I told one person they can get a drink of water and the other that they can use the bathroom and you told them that only one of them can leave the room. I can understand that. But when you undermine my lesson plan you are basically implying that the authority I was given has no value in your eyes. I tell them to practice for their scenes. You tell them after less than two minutes to stop because they were too loud (trust me it's way louder in there before). I call on someone to give a shout-out and you cut them off and start to talk about your trip to the movies. I start to teach them an improv game you cut me off and make up your own scenario for them to do. And on top of all that my name apparently changed to Marissa.
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