3 Art Pieces
1. Copy a character. I found the sharpie one the hardest to do, because I tend to go towards softer lines and I couldn't find a way to do that, so I had to be very careful in what I chose to do with the color and lines.

2. Self portrait- Drawing myself is always really difficult, so I think this may have been the hardest one. I really liked working with the charcoal even though I can't help but smudge it absolutely everywhere.

3. Copy a master- I decided to copy characters from the film "The Secret of Kells" I love how that movie is animated, in motion it's even better than flat on paper. Again, sharpie was the most difficult, because there isn't a bunch of shading or anything I could do except flat lines and I think that was really hard to make look nice.

2. Self portrait- Drawing myself is always really difficult, so I think this may have been the hardest one. I really liked working with the charcoal even though I can't help but smudge it absolutely everywhere.
3. Copy a master- I decided to copy characters from the film "The Secret of Kells" I love how that movie is animated, in motion it's even better than flat on paper. Again, sharpie was the most difficult, because there isn't a bunch of shading or anything I could do except flat lines and I think that was really hard to make look nice.
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