Artist statement

AJ Carter


Art: Statement

            The problem that we as a whole planet are having is bottle caps not being destroyed properly. So they get into the ocean where fish eat them and then what ever eats the fish also gets the plastic. Then that plastic gets into us so we’re kind of half plastic.

The art that I’m making out of these bottle caps is a castle. It will be a play set for my nephew.  I figured that since we cant get rid of the plastic for years on end I would do something with it. So I figured a kid plays with toys none stop so why not turn them into toys for now. That way they can be used for something that is useful. Not just through away and eaten by some sort of animal, which then we eat.  

All I had to do was get a lay out for the bottle caps. So what I did first was make sketches. By doing that I figured out how I wanted to do my landscape for the castle first. Then I took a piece of cardboard and laid it down and drawled where I was going to place the caps.

Now I haven’t completely finished it yet but it’s a work in progress. I should have it fully done by Christmas. So it would make for a very nice Christmas present.

In perfect time, it’s also a good present because it help the earth and him.
