Artist StatementQ4

This quarter, I have improved as an artist. The first project that Olivia and I decided to do (we partner up to create assignments for ourselves that test our artist abilities) was a valentines day inspired project. the only guidelines were having to use 3 different materials, and valentines day related. For my project, I painted cardboard with scenery from Alice in wonderland's queen of hearts army; and then made a three dimentional flower out of layers of newspaper.

Another assignment Olivia and I decided to do was to practice self portraits. I did 2 self portraits, one in charcoal and one in pencil, below are the photos: we used mirrors to find out where our features were to be drawn.

Street art was our third art project and I made a kony 2012 poster for april 20ths cover the night. below is a photo, it was inspired by quotes and facts from the video promotion for the cause.

We also created fashion inspired collages with our own drawings of styles and fashion as well as what inspired the drawings.

the final project olivia and I did was the cieling tiles in Mrs. Hulls classroom.
for the fourth quarter I think I want to pick a single object or thing like a butterfly persay, and have to draw it in every different aspect and method I can think of.
Photo on 4-12-12 at 2.47 PM #2
Photo on 4-12-12 at 2.47 PM #2
Screen Shot 2012-04-16 at 9.41.16 AM
Screen Shot 2012-04-16 at 9.41.16 AM
Photo on 4-12-12 at 2.48 PM
Photo on 4-12-12 at 2.48 PM
