Ashley Weekes Q1

In art class we were assigned an art project in which we had to create something using recycled materials. We were given several examples to guide us into the project and help with brainstorming. When I was beginning to brainstorm for this project, my original idea was to create a lamp shade using old detergent containers. I was going to melt down the containers for the mend together maybe even tint them a bit to get a different color for the light shade. My goal for this project was to ultimately create something that I would be able to use over and over again, something that would be easy to make again for family or friends.

Ultimately, that idea became difficult to create. There were so many other aspects to the project that would of taken awhile longer to make. The electronic part of it, attaching a light bulb with a harnest for the light to hang from was becoming to be difficult so I decided to brainstorm for another project. I lost a lot of artistic value in the project I originally brainstormed for, the replacement project  I came up with was less artistic. Due to timing and such I had to come up with a replacement project and since I put so much thought into my original project that most of my timing was lost for the replacement project.

The idea for my new project came from my recent birthday. I received a lot of balloons for birthday and I figured its very often we receive balloons for holidays and we don't know what to do with them so we throw them away. I figured I could reuse them, probably not in the most artistic way, but I decided to use them as book covers.

I started by deflating the balloons and cutting around the edges. The after I had the balloon opened half way, I placed a book on the deflated balloon a sized it out to match borders of the book, so it fit it neatly. I'm still trying to figure out more creative ways to use recycled art. I've found some cool interesting things online and my peers have also been doing cool and exciting things with recycled art.

Balloon Book Covers - Pictures



Bottle Caps Poster

Art Poster

For my bottle caps poster I thought it would be nice to look at the aquatic life's perspective of bottle caps being thrown in the ocean and how it's directly influencing them. The design of the poster was to convey sight that sort of shocking or gross to get people's attention. The wording plays a huge part in the message of this poster. The problem being that people "throw" their bottle caps tells the reader to throw the bottle caps in a place where it won't cause harm to the aquatic life in the ocean.
Art Poster
Art Poster
