Basheer Art Journal

1-Transpose of song from guitar to piano.Recording for guitar,and piano 

2-On is blocked in the school the link will be up first thing once I am home.

3-Opted out to work on music,and present it.

4-I feel that this was the hardest project I've done for myself.Transposing the piano vocal line to guitar was not easy.Also playing piano with the guitar vocal line.Lucky for me I was able to get my hands on some good recording stuff.My work ethic could have been been this quarter I really wanted to do a "KAWS" style art piece,but I gave up mid way thought.I'm not happy with myself on doing that.Overall I'd say I like the song,and am proud of it.

5-Next quarter Ill have to get these songs done much faster,also I would like to go back work on the "kaws" art pieces.
