Ben Fink's Pope Poem
Welcome one and all to Basic Human Decency, my comprehensive blog on advice, poetry, and media quotes on morality. Here you will find adice from both myself and other sources on how to be the kindest, most selfless, most special person you can be. My first piece was a rhyming poem on how I value Pope Francis as a modern-day idol and how I want to be as kind and humble as he is when I am an adult. Looking at news articles on all those kind things he has done for others, from kissing a man with a facial malformity to washing the feet of prisoners, inspired me to write this poem. You can view it here:
Thank you all for talking to me. I hope you see the wisdom in my poem and follow its advice. Hopefully all of you will follow his example and go out there to make a difference in the world. Even if it is simply volunteering at an animal shelter or giving a little money to someone in need, remember that every act of compassion counts.
P.S. The link to my google doc can be found with this link:
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