Benchmark Reflection

            My group first brainstormed what we thought were good ways to improve voting percentages. We narrowed it down to making more days to vote and mandatory voting, and then we chose one. We chose mandatory voting because countries with mandatory voting have much higher percentages than the United States. We thought that this would be the best way to increase the voting percentage. After this we worked with Jeff to come up with a slogan for our whole benchmark. We focused on how the voting percentages of the United States are so low compared to many other countries.

            I think the role of the individual is to realize that they need to change, and then do it. Change is much better if the individual is the one who realizes that they need to change. Change is much less effective when someone is told to do it, because that is much different than coming to a realization that something is wrong.

            I used to know that voting wasn’t exactly majority, but I didn’t realize how unfair the Electoral College is.  It makes me think that voting should be a majority for it to be a democratic government. It also made me realize that we have the choice to vote, but if we don’t take advantage of that freedom it be a lot worse for the country.

We tried to show that there have been very small voting percentages in the past few years, capping at 61%. We said that with mandatory voting that if a person didn’t vote, then they would be charged a 100$ fine. We capitalized on this point, because a lot of people will choose to go out and take the time to go to the polls, rather than paying the fine. 

To view the whole benchmark click here. To view my portion of the benchmark click here
