Benjamin Rivera's Personal Systems Essay

A couple of weeks ago I went over my friend Ryan’s house because we were going to try and go to a party. I was sitting on the couch as Ryan picks up his phone to go onto Instagram.

“Yo bro I’m hungry you got any food,” I said as I walked to his cabinets.He ignores me for his cellphone

“Yo, what the hell dog I’m talking to you!” I smacked him in the back of his head

“Alright chill! what’s up- oh yea the food.” He puts it down and goes to get some things needed to make a sandwich. RING! He hears his phone notification go off and runs to the cell phone, then goes back to eating.

“Bro since you didn't want to help, you can wash dishes.” Ryan had forgotten to wash the dishes because of his cell phone distracting him. The  opens

“Ryan and Benji you better have my house clean,” His mom yells. I sprung up and ran downstairs Ryan stood on his phone

“Ryan get your behind downstairs,” She yelled. No sound. Ryan’s mom walks upstairs

“Give me this shit and go clean my dishes”

You might be thinking what’s going on at this point. Well, Ben’s friend Ryan is a perfect example of how teens are in a system of technology. As you can see the system of technology can take over a teenager. This starts with social media, which can mess with your social life in real life. A counterexample to this system would be Ben in this situation. Ryan has no idea that he’s even apart of a system, but let's break the news to him.

“Yo broski school is so boring they got us talking about this book Macbeth. Why won't she let us just chill,” Ryan texts Ben.

“Just chill and text me later. Why can’t you be without your phone for five minutes?” Ben texts back.

“Hey, not my fault I got hoes on my phone,”Ryan cracked.

“Shut up, you just look at memes about you being lonely. Now go back to class now.”Ben ends the conversation.

You may not have noticed it, but Ryan is able to have an entire conversation with Ben without Ben being ignored. This is my personal experiences with the system of technology it’s in 3rd person well because that’s how I love to tell my stories so enjoy.When Ryan’s on his cell phone in the first scene, he’s so stuck in his cell phone, he’s basically not in the room. The system of technology takes control of his mind. When we mentioned the counterexample earlier just look at how Ben asks Ryan to get off of his phone. This scene shows that proof that the system of technology doesn’t work for all teens. You would call this an inductive reasoning because watch this next scene with Ben’s brother, Luca.

Ben’s on the phone with his brother while walking to the store.

“Ok cool. I think I’ll be at practice tomorrow. Keep me posted alright bye.” Ben hangs up the phone call with Ryan.

“Little Niz, you going to practice with me today.”

“Hell no 2k is all the sports I need.” Finally home Luca runs straight for the Xbox

“Cmon! Come to practice with us.”

“Bye, I’m playing 2k.”

“Whatever I’ll just tell mom.” I yelled down stairs and yelled, “Ma go turn off Lucas Xbox he don’t wanna go to baseball practice”

Ok to shorten this Luca is another example that technology is a system we live in. He doesn’t know it just like Ryan. Luca and Ryan are key proof that technology corrupts up from the real world. Why? Because the world is boring to them they like the fast and funny entertainment they get from playing video games and going on social media. After looking at the system itself ask yourself reader are you a part of the system of technology. Did you even know that you were associated until now. Test yourself and try leaving your phone and computer alone for a whole day.

Well After looking back on it this looks like a persuasive essay but it isn’t. This essay is intended to show the reader that a system can be persuasive. I just wanted to give you, the reader a deeper and enjoyable reading session. Hope you enjoyed some scenes about the systems in my life.
