Bike Paths FTW! Lobbying Post #3


This is a good year for my issue just because people are becoming aware of the issue at hand at a much quicker rate than before. Many philadelphians bike and it is crucial that more bike paths be placed within the city. As I mentioned in my first blog post, Philadelphia is the 2nd biggest city full of bikers. Because of people and organizations like the Bicycle Coalition and Councilman William Greenlee, the idea of more bike paths is making head way. 

​Recently, a bike corral was placed on Walnut street between 16th and 17th. However, it is not permanent. They are people advertising, fundraising and spreading the word to raise enough money to make it permanent. On September 16th, the Bicycle Coalition of the greater Philadelphia with the Mayor's office of transportation came together to get the corral. Dero Bike Racks loaned it to them.

"We think it looks fabulous, and it has been a big hit with cyclists, who have been using it daily to lock up while running errands and visiting Center City businesses. We want to make this rack permanent! (Although we're not sure of the exact location--that needs to be worked out with the Parking Authority)." 
We have officials such as Councilman Bill Greenlee and Mayor's Office of Transportation. The Bicycle Coalition of the greater Philadelphia has been on top of making the citizens and officials of Philadelphia aware of things that need to happen regarding the bike paths. 

"Bicyclists like bike lanes, and they like buffered bike lanes even better.  The Bicycle Coalition’s counts found streets with bike lanes had more cyclists than streets without them, and had more growth in bicyclists than streets without bike lanes.They also have more female bicyclists, less sidewalk riding, less wrong way riding, and more cyclists wearing helmets than streets without bike lanes.  The buffered bike lanes had the same result, but even more amplified. These results confirm that better behavior goes hand in hand with better bicycling facilities.  Facilities like buffered bike lanes make bicyclists feel safer."

November 3rd, 2011 - Councilman Greenlee became active with the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia. While at the assembly questions were asked and answered by both parties. There were many issues surrounding biking issues and how to fix them.

Key question: "Would you support the installation of innovative infrastructure such as buffered bike lanes, like those on Spruce and Pine, on a select number of streets to create a citywide bicycle network that is safe and inviting to ride for those from age 8 to 80?." 
This question is important because it touches on what my lobbying topic is all about. There needs to be more safer ways for citizens of all ages to commute throughout the city. Greenlee said that he "supports bike lanes when they are safe and where communities are directly involved in the process. I believe there are streets where bike lanes are not safe for bikers, pedestrians and drivers."

Bicycling Coalition Questionnaire with Bill Greenlee

Mayor Nutter is essential to the outcome of the bike paths. He has said : "I support Bike Share. We have explored this issue, and I very mindful of initial or start-up costs and would be interested in proposals that minimize City costs."

