BlaseB Films & "A Teenager's Empire" Screenplay - Blase Biello
I began this project by putting all of my creative media pieces into one creative media portfolio list, this way I could refer back to any of my works at any time. I then began building a website (online portfolio) to showcase my own/company’s work. I created and put all of my work on there, including summaries of some of the movies, pictures from filming on set, a blog, contact information and much more. I then began writing my feature -length screenplay, "A Teenager's Empire" with the help of my 2 English teachers, one being my mentor, Alexa Dunn and Meeno Rami. I worked all year on this screenplay and finally completely finished it in May. I plan on creating it later on in life when I have a very large budget. Throughout the capstone process, I learned how to market myself as a filmmaker and showcase my work professionally.
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