Blog #4

  • Who you spoke with and why you chose that partner

    I spoke with Looghan de Rubens from Mexico.
  • What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?

    While talking to this guy he spoke in english to help practice his english. He also told me a little bit about himself, for example he worked in an office. 
  • How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goals?

    In general my goal was to enhance my spanish and be able to hold a conversation with someone. The more I chat with these people the closer I think I am to this goal. 
  • What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations? What specifically to you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again)

    Something I have done well that I continue to do is keep a conversation going as well as being able to interact more with the person I am having a conversation with. I had more with this person but something happened with my computer and I lost the other conversation me and this person had, but I uploaded everything that I do have.
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