Blog #5

  • Who you spoke with and why you chose that partner

    Gustavo and Nestor were two different people that I talked to 
  • What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?

    From both people I learned that I am able to keep a conversation going and that it is not that hard to be able to talk spanish with multiple people at one time as long as your focused. 
  • How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goals?

    I didn't have a specific goal for goal 5 I just wanted to enhance my spanish and I was able to do that by talking to more than one person at a time.
  • What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations? What specifically to you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again)

    Something that I think that I did well with all the blog post and especially the final blog post since I spoke with two people at a time. 
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