Blog Post #1: Gayness in the World

Hello and greetings from Science Leadership Academy! I am Lindsey Jones, a freshman coming to you to inform you about a serious world issue that has affected the majority. The topic I chose was “Gay Rights”. Yes, it may sound like a very cliche topic to do, but in all honestly it is something that interests me the most. Before I go into the discussion, I would like to tell you that I am refraining from telling my personal views on gay rights and whether I support them or not. I believe that if I come into this project without a clear and free mind, my beliefs will prevent me from seeing the true picture for what it is and gathering the correct information properly. Please respect this choice. It will come in handy later.

Throughout world history there has been many controversial topics that have shaped the world into what it is today. From women’s rights to civil rights, there has been struggle. But in modern day society, one of the main topics of discussion is gay marriage/rights.  In this You and The World project, we are brought up with a world issue, and must find ways that could possibly help with it and inform the society of what is going on. I hope throughout the research I do, I will learn, and you all will be able to learn too. Some people tend to back things they are not properly educated on, or because the majority backs it. Which is something completely ignorant to do. Gay rights are something that is either are yes or no topic. You either stand by it or you don’t. But what are our reasons for standing by it? What are our reasons not to? This project is something that I hope really makes us all think about it.

    I come from a family in which homosexuality is not a very widely discussed topic. But my parents do have their own personal beliefs and I’m happy that they don’t allow their beliefs to hinder my own growing knowledge of the world. However, a main belief that homosexuality is an abomination comes from religion. Religion is one of the main components in determining how people live their lives for some. Christianity is pretty popular among most. Homosexuality is incriminated in the Christian Bible. For example, in Leviticus 18:22, it is said “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman: that is detestable.” Click here to see more quotes from the Bible that shun homosexuality. Living in a nation that was a built surrounding religious beliefs, it is understandable as to why some would use the Bible as a reason to demonize a minority. Some people tolerate homosexuality despite not supporting it, while others take action and carry out hate crimes. In different parts of the world, gays have been murdered and tortured in the most brutal ways.

    Those who do support gay rights, they have their own reasons. One of them is that love has no gender. The dictionary definition of “love” is “an intense feeling of deep affection” and does not mention gender, race, or age. So should loving someone be defined by gender?  47% of Americans oppose to gay marriage, while 41% support it. Of the people that are opposed to gay marriage, aside from their religious views, they believe that one of the downfalls of gay marriage is that same-sex couples cannot procreate. Which is true. And then there are people who say that same-sex couples can adopt unwanted children. Others believe that the problem with being brought up with same-sex parents is that their children’s views on a woman and man being together will be ruined. And that even some children will grow up to be gay if so. There are pros and cons to same-sex marriages and relationships.

    Among the upbringing part of whether or not someone favors homosexuality or not, gay youth have also suffered. 30-40% of homelessness is of gay teens who have been disowned by intolerant parents. Luckily there are gay homeless shelters that try and help youth get back on their feet. Some gay youth have even resorted to suicide. Not being able to deal with backlash from society. Homosexual teens are at a 62% chance to commit suicide as opposed to their heterosexual counterparts at a 29%. I feel as though no one, straight or gay should have to resort to killing themselves because of the ignorant things people do.

    Historically speaking, being gay was considered a disease. Even “educational” videos were targeted at teens to avoid gays if they were to ever cross paths with them (click here to watch a video). Personally, I find it hard to believe that being gay is a disease. Conversion therapy was even invented to get rid of the “sickness” known as homosexuality and it still goes on till this very day. Is it possible for sexual orientation to be changed? People known as ex-gays have most likely undergone this therapy. They have even gotten married and started their own families. Are they in denial? Or is gayness able to be “cured”? There is change being needed here and I know that it is possible.

    In some countries like Uganda, being gay is worthy of death. Currently, Uganda is trying to push a bill that requires that all gays get the death penalty or life imprisonment, and that those hiding or “helping” gays will be reported to the police and arrested. I definitely do not think that being gay equals to death. There are thousands of gays in hiding Uganda, since there are frequent hate crimes that occur and nothing is done about them.

I want there to be change. And through this project all of us can learn something and educate ourselves on such a controversial topic such as gay marriage. Hopefully this will challenge us all and we will be able to see the world for what it is, and have our own beliefs and minds shaped differently.

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The picture above depicts media from a gay news website under the crime section. Hate crimes are common nowadays. In the US they are usually dealt with, but in other countries nothing is made of them.
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Homosexuals face such threats on a daily basis. A couple got this message one day, they have since fled  their home.

Take a look at my bibliography here
