
Since I was little, I have always loved working with computers. I always liked going on the internet to play games, and look at websites, but that was never enough. I wanted to know how they worked, and what the process was behind them. I wanted to know the languages, and the codes, and how to put all the pieces together to make something coherent that anyone could enjoy. 
When I was in fourth grade my I saw a video about a kid my age, who had the same curiosity as me. So he started using the internet to find guides and lessons, and soon he was able to make websites himself. At the end of the video there was footage of him playing a game that he made by himself. This was a driving force, and convinced me that I could do this. The very next day I went to look for ta guide so I could start learning. After a few hours on Google, I came to a crushing realization. There was no good way to learn programming online. Not one that was free. After this I put my hopes on a shelf, and moved on to different things.

My freshman year of high school I decided to go back to programming. I was older, more experienced, and there had never been more information on the internet then right then. I soon found a website that had a free html guide. With that guide I began to build my own website. I came to school early every morning to read and work on it. I spent months working, until I had something I was really proud of.
Around December of my freshman year It was announced that there was a chance that my school would be shutting down after we graduated. Within a few months, this escalated to us being closed at the end of that school year. It was crushing to hear, and soon it became apparent that despite protest, there was nothing we could do to stop it. We were told we had to apply to new schools. We were all sad to hear that the people who we had just spent a year getting to know, would not be the ones walking across the stage with us as we graduated. It was something no one really wanted, and everyone tried to fight. 
When I came to SLA at the beginning of this year, there was a sort of light at the end of the tunnel. I was able to sign up for both Computer Science, and Web Design. I  was ecstatic to know that I would have the chance to learn even more about programming, and the way computers work. Now budget cuts threaten to take away these paragons of hope. These classes have taught me more than I think I ever could have learned on the internet. The have advanced me in the craft, and given me a chance to hone and challenge my ability. The thought of having something like this taken away from me next year is insane.
I know that you can't just give the schools all the money they need, and I know that someone has to lose out. I just don't understand why kids like me, who are plentiful in this school as well as others, have to get the short end of the stick. If children are the future, then shouldn't we be doing everything in our power to make sure the future is strong, and capable.
