
He looks so familiar.

I feel like I knew him a long time ago
But it can’t be him…
Just smile.
“How can I help you sir?”

“I’ll have a cup of coffee baby,
Make it black for me.”

“Sure thing.”

“You know doll,
you look real familiar.
You wouldn’t happen to be
Casey’s daughter, would you?"

Oh shit, oh fuck.
It is him.
“Um I think…
You have the wrong person.” 

“No it is you. Amelia right?
And that’s your uncle that just left?
This is his store.”

Shit, what do I do…
“Oh um yea.”
Really, you couldn’t think of
Anything other than “oh um yea?”

“How’s your mom?
It’s been a long time.
And you. You’ve grown well.
Very well. You remember me?
Don’t you Amy?
Nick, your mom’s ex."

“Oh, um yea.”
Again really.
Wide vocab you got there! 

“Ha, so how much I owe you?”

A new childhood would be nice.
One where you weren't there.
One that didn't hurt so much.
“Don’t worry about it,
On the house.”

“Hey thanks sweetie,”
He walked out,
He turned and winked,
“And do me a favor,
Don’t tell mommy.”

Those three words,
"Don't tell mommy"
I heard them all to often
When i was all to young.
Those three words...
