BM3 Process_Quinn Platzer

My group and I created a campaign to promote literacy. I contributed as best I could to the campaign, and I feel like I was fairly helpful in my own ways. I encouraged the idea of making posters and thoroughly supported putting them in public places like the children’s sections of local libraries. When we worked on making the posters, I contributed to the overall project with my artistic skills and creativity, and drew an orange cartoon style cat on the poster, holding a sign that asks the viewer, “How well can you read?” Aja came up with the phrase, and I suggested that we use it as the title of our campaign. The rest of the group seemed to like it, and we agreed on using it as our title. When we were talking about where we wanted to put the posters, I suggested the library of a school with young children in it, but we decided against posting them there. I also did some research for the videos, looking up facts and statistics that we could use to prove our point. I also cited most of the sources that my group members and I found soon after we posted the link onto the Google doc. When it came to figuring out how to tell whether or not the campaign we created was effective, I helped test the system we plan on using via email. The test involved sending a form to my email address and I responded. Then we were able to teach ourselves to read the data that is presented to us after people respond to the questions we send out. While the project is not quite done yet, I think there is still much I can do to help out, for example, I may have to place the posters at a couple nearby libraries. 
