Bromas en Español

 I talked to a really funny guy named Siuldeluxe. He knew a great pick up line, and a pretty mean baby joke. But, nonetheless, it was pretty funny. I don't really know where he's from, but he speaks English pretty well. The more I talk to people about joking in Spanish, the more I realize how different it is. Even when I ask about jokes, I usually get what do you mean jokes. I guess sometimes it is a direct translation to an English joke, but sometimes it involved sarcasm which I will talk about in another blog post. By the way, pay no attention to how my name is Manna, I was banned for unknown reason from that site, so I had to use another person's account. I'm really considering using that google pick up line though.

Este el broma sobre que un bebe.

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Este el "pick up line."

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Screen Shot 2012-05-02 at 7.53.59 AM

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