Building Parks in at Risk Communities

People were made to interact with each other. What better way to meet new people in your community than a park? It is the center of the socialization in the community. Or is it just a place that lasts for a long period of time? A lot of our childhood memories involves parks. In some ways, they have shaped who we are today.

    My name is Elijah Afrifa and, I am interested in informing people about the importance of having parks in every community. Me growing up in the area that I am in it’s known as one of the worst neighborhoods in Philadelphia. I was raised in the Strawberry Mansion area. Which is on the list of the most violent neighborhoods. When I was younger I vividly remember having to run home because people were shooting not too far from the park I was in. I feel like no child should have to be afraid to play in a park because of how dangerous it is.

This is a park that is right down the street from me. This picture can be found at
This is a park that is right down the street from me. This picture can be found at

It’s important for others to know. If the word doesn't get out then the problem won't get resolved. We as a rising generation need to take into account that our children will one day be playing in these parks. Iḿ pretty sure that no one wants there child to be on the 10 oçlock news because they were shot or stabbed while playing in a park. I plan on reaching to head members of the city. So here is where parks come in.

   Parks can serve the community in so many ways. An example of this is, parks can give kids a safe to play. Not only can a park serve kids during school but it can also serve kids after school. Playing outside is crucial for healthy development in children. In the result of this, kids being able physically to be active can lower obesity rates by a lot. Children are able to play and do what kids do instead of being out on the streets causing trouble because they have nothing to do. Being a teenager today I am able to see the impacts of having no good parks in the area. So, instead of doing something productive I caused problems around the community.

  Another way parks can serve the community, is by boosting the economy in that area. Being in close proximity to a park really brings in buyers for homes in that area. According to a study by Texas A&M, John L Crompton found that 20 out of 25 prospective residents were willing to pay more for a house, due to its close proximity to a park. Having more residents who were willing to pay more for properties would boost the economy and, some of that money could go to the school system.
THis is a picture that I found that shows houses surrounding a park. Here is where to find it,
THis is a picture that I found that shows houses surrounding a park. Here is where to find it,

My last example of how parks can serve the community is helping the environment.  To the US Forest Service, one tree generates $31,250 worth of oxygen, $62,000 worth of air pollution control, recycles $37,500 worth of water, and controls $31,250 worth of soil erosion. Additionally, parks end up lightening the load of sewage and storm water runoff, as they are much more effective and exponentially less expensive at storm water management than man-made sewers. Some of the bigger parks, especially state and national parks have a big effect on conservation. Many may have informative areas on conservation or even host guided tours on the park, with a focus on conservation. Whatever it is, parks only help to boost the health of our planet; something it needs right now.

  In conclusion, I am going to go more in depth with this topic. This topic has matured my thinking to a level of where I wonder how my life would have been different if I went to a different park when I grew up. Would me being in a different environment change the person who I am today? I hope to learn more about Michael Nutter’s past actions of rebuilding parks in downtown areas. For more information check out my Annotated Bibliography!


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