Bureaucracy Reflection: Registering a Car
Devon and I chose to do our Bureaucracy Project on Registering a Car and Getting Your License. We separated our task by splitting these two processes up and created two different flow charts. Devon focused more on Getting Your License while I did the Registering A Car portion.
Registering A Car: http://www.lucidchart.com/documents/view/4d08d061-7af4-41b2-ae47-04ce0afcbe04
Getting Your License: http://www.lucidchart.com/documents/view/4d08ca51-c1b4-4d42-9ac7-02fb0afcbe04
The process of this task was I believe pretty easy. We went to the PennDot site which had all the information we needed and a step-by-step setup of how it was supposed to be completed. The hardest part was ironically making the flowchart look appealing to the eye. For example, the first time we did it, the chart had 40+ boxes on it and was just black and white. We both realized that this wouldn't work and therefore started over. During the second time Devon came up with the idea that we should make it look like a street and have the lines look like the yellow broken lines in the middle of the street and vehicle like shapes as cars. We tried our best to mimic the curves and turns of the road with the chart.
Form MV-1 (could not be found online)
"Form MV-1 is not available online. This form must be completed by an authorized agent of the Department." I found forms from different states like Georgia and Maryland however, none from PA.
After doing this project, I believe that registering a car in PA is so complex. I realized that you have to have so many forms and documents and go to different people to actually do all of this. It's really, just overwhelming with all of the things that you have to complete. I don't know why this process is so complicated when getting your license is not even close to how difficult it is to complete.
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