Business Project - Daniel Varnis

Here is my Business Project and all of the links to go along with it. This blog post contains a lot of enriching, thorough, and deep information about the Great Depression, Great Recession, The New Deal, and President Obama's Administration, showing how they all connect in different ways through video representations to visual infographs.
Compare/Contrast of the Great Depression & Great Recession:
This visualization can be found here or below. The link forwards you to the same picture, just with a higher resolution and allows you to zoom in to your liking.

Compare/Contrast of the Obama Administration Program & The New Deal Program:
Click here to see the Google Story Builder Presentation
(Please excuse on the video, you will notice that the typing starts to glitch and isn't technically inline on the visualized document about a minute into the video. That was something Google did while creating and finalizing the video)

Annotated Bibliography:
Click here to see the Annotated Bibliography containing all of the sources and citations used in the making of this project
