Cancer " The Killer" Part 3
is the last blog that I will be doing with the “ You in the World Project.” This
is the post for change. This project has really opened my eyes to the struggle
that people go through with cancer. Not only do they struggle with the sickness
its self they have to worry if their health care will cover them. Cancer tears families
apart not only in America but the whole world. In my past 2 blogs I talked
about how the environment is affecting our health. I also talked a little about
the things we do effect our health. In my 2nd blog I talked about
how health coverage is in America and how we have to fight so that everyone has
equal health care if anything was every to happen to them.
tell this story of my grand-pa to say that you have to be screened, for any
early signs of cancer. You have to have annual cancer screens. Also you have to
make sure that no matter what that you have proper health coverage if you every
need it. Also there are so many things you can do to prevent cancer such a
lung cancer by not smoking, even second-hand smoking is very bad (when you are
constantly around someone who smokes.) Not having my Grand- Pa still with me
tares me up inside. Thinking that if he stopped smoking or took care of him-
self a little better he could have been with us for a little longer. If he had
went to screenings or the doctor when he didn’t feel good they could have
caught the cancer in time so that he could beat it.
my change I want to give back to the cancer community, cause even though my
Grand-Pa didn’t really have the chance to fight. I want to make sure that other
people have that chance. I am going to volunteer at different cancer events in
Philadelphia and the surrounding areas. For my change I am going to get a team
together and we are going to volunteer to help out for the American Cancer
Society 40th annual Bike-a-thon. The date for the bike-a-thon is
July 8,2012.
This is a link to my last two blogs.
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