Cancion De Anastasia
Vengo de un lugar tranquillo.
1.I am proud that I incorporated both things about me personally and also things about the city that I come from.
2.I might have to use some simpler words so that they flow nicely with the beat I choose.
3.I tried to hit all the basics, stuff about me personally and also about Philly.
4.I think that I am going to take a beat from another song that i like.
Una casa de amor.
Vengo de la musica
Y bailar.
Vengo de la familia de Smith.
Un nombe común
Pero con rasgos ünicos.
Vengo de donde los ladrillos son ponían
Alto suficiente a cubrian.
Vengo de un lugar tranquillo.
Una casa de amor.
Vengo de la musica
Y bailar.
Soy De Filadelfia.
Donde edificios brillantes suben.
y carros moscas.
Vengo de dónde todos vivan para sueños.
Pero todos no llegan los sueños.
Vengo de un lugar tranquillo.
Una casa de amor.
Vengo de la musica
Y bailar.
1.I am proud that I incorporated both things about me personally and also things about the city that I come from.
2.I might have to use some simpler words so that they flow nicely with the beat I choose.
3.I tried to hit all the basics, stuff about me personally and also about Philly.
4.I think that I am going to take a beat from another song that i like.
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