
My specific topic is fashion club/charity. I have always wanted to help out a homeless settler but never knew how. However, since I love fashion and creating new style throughout people's everyday lifestyle I decided that i should have a club where other kids who enjoys fashion and wants to help in my fashion club to create new clothes from old clothes and at the end of the club we would have a fashion show and sell off the clothes then donates the money for a good cost.My goal is to get 200-300 people to come and watch the show, I honestly can not estimate if it’s going to be more SLA students or outside to come see the show. However, it’s most likely to be more depending on the promotion of the event. There will be 20 SLA models and 5 SLA designers. 5-7 SLA performers and 1-3 outside of SLA members who will also be performing. Fashion club/clarity!. I've decided  to establish a club at SLA for kids who enjoin fashion and willing to help in my fashion club. Creating new clothing from old clothes, by the designers from the SLA community and some other performers. At the end of the club, hopefully, have a fashion show and the money will be donated to "Fairy Godmother's. By doing this project I hope to learn how hard you have to earn/work for something in life. Because my mom always tell me how hard things are but I can’t never relate to any of them due to the fact that she and my dad spoils me and now I am for once doing something on my own and it has to go right.


Bellis, Mary. "The History Of Clothing." Inventors. Mary Bellis, 2 Mar. 2006. Web. 01 Feb. 2013.  484-772-0155

I pick this source because it talks about the history of clothing. Also, ways they are created and some of the things they use to get the fabric they are looking for. For example this article tell you about the first clothes that were made from natural things, such as animal skin, fur etc. This would help me to know which clothes to sew or glue onto each other or the value of a certain fabric. Some fabric of animals that are very hard to find therefore the craft and fabrics stores sell them very expensive and I wouldn't want to waste it by making a mistake.

Kuronyi, Anne. "Welcom/e to Our Online Thrift Store." The Attic. The Attic Bethlehem, 7 Apr. 2008. Web. 01 Feb. 2013.

This is need for the importance of thrift store and how it could be cheap because of what we are doing. Also, the it's clothing that is already worn or made that would be created into something new. For example a sweater could be very old and one of our fashion designer could create a newer style into it.

Kaufman, Robert. "Knit Fabric." - Discount. Amy Butler, 5 Apr. 2003. Web. 01 Feb. 2013.

This site is useful because it tell me the difference between these fabric. The culture and why is certain fabric is being used with another type of fabric. I have learned that not all sewing machine are used for all fabric that is something useful I think I needed to know. Because if I wanted to sew a certain fabric on a sewing machine that isn't built to sew a thin line fabric and that fabric could be ruin.

Basualdo, Carlos. "Philadelphia Museum of Art - On View." Philadelphia Museum of Art - On View. Philadelphia Museum of Art, 12 Oct. 2012. Web. 21 Jan. 2013.

  This site talks about how dancing affect some people in a way, because some people uses dance to communicate in certain part of the world. For example, in one of West African country, Liberia, there a village called Nieba. In this village there’s a dance performed called the Niemba dance and this dance is performed by mostly women. The communication in this dance is showing the “obedience” of a womanhood. Waking up in the morning going to the market and gathering food and cleaning around the house then prepare food for you and your family. Also I have actually performed this dance and I did the farming one, going to the farm, cutting crops and putting it into the pot to bring it home. The way they communication is acknowledged is by the drums, the drummer is going to play a certain beat and that is when you should do another move or how to start moving. 

"Silk Fabric Information." Fabric Information: Silk, History of Silk. NY FASHION CENTER FABRICS, n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2013.

This would be use to help me take more care of this fabric because as we all know it a very hard to find the correct one. Also, the value of fabric and how it could be created into something really valuable. Another reason this is useful is, a lot of clothing is created from silk nowadays therefore we have to be careful with it.

"Teen Vogue — Fashion Starts Here |" Teenvogue Content. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.

I am using this site to help me understand how different outfit could be worn base on the season. Some colors that you could wear in the winter you wouldn’t wear in the summertime due the “fashion rules”. Some people actually follow some of these rules and obey by them. Also, this site allows me to view options styles that some of my designer could use or their theme.  

 "Celebrity Engagement Rings." ELLE. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2013.

Some people wear the most expensive clothing that they think are the worth, when deep down someone could create the same outfit for less money. Also the makeup, this gives easy ways to put makeup on for a starter. Not everyone likes to wear make up and this site could tell us about what things to use to avoid this matter.

"The 25 Best Men's Style Blogs Right Now." Men's Style: Men's Fashion, Shopping, & Streetwear Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2013.

This is useful for the blog we are also creating for the fashion process. For example we would have “ rating and best outfits/ week”. Also, shows the improvement from what the designers did that is similar. Compare their outfits and let the SLA kids rate them, so that way we would know what we need to change and add or remove. Because after all it’s the audience view we are trying to get. 

 Lee, Sarah Tomerlin. American Fashion. Toronto: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1975. Print.

This source is a book about the history of American Fashion. This book gives information of many different years in American History that has anything to do with fashion. I will use this source in my Capstone for the history section of my online fashion magazine. On my online magazine, there will be a history section where viewers can learn different things about fashion in the past.

 Morris, Bethan. Fashion Illustrator. 2nd ed. München: Stiebner, 2010. Print.

Annotation: The importance of the fashion why it is the way they are. How to make the models feels in their zone and it has different examples that allows us try our own on the website. Real designers perspective on clothing. 

"Teen Vogue — Fashion Starts Here |" Teenvogue Content. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.

Annotation: This source is website called Since there’s a lot teen we are working with, it is best that we try to make them feel comfortable towards what they are wearing. Some people may not like to show their body parts as much as other people so the designers have to create clothing that best describes them in a way the models will feel comfortable with their body. Therefore this site helps me to know more about teens. 

"The Great 90s." 90s Fashion. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.

This site is actually one of the best cite that is going to help us. One of my designer theme is 80’s 90’s so she could learn more about the clothing they used to wear. I could also know the type of fabric to buy and accessories they need to need on. They even shows the sketches of how to designs some of the clothing and how to used the materials.  

DELEON, JIAN. "The 80 Greatest '80s Fashion Trends." Complex Media, 10 Dec. 2012. Web. 01 Feb. 2013.

Annotation: This a similar cite to the other one. However, this one shows more clothing and shoes. So in other words the entire outfit. Also, much more of ideas to get more idea of the theme. 

 "We Want You To Show Us Your Red!" Fashion Trends, Styles, Celebrity Fashion, and Beauty. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2013.

This would help us with the coloring and the idea of which fabric looks nice. 

Final Product:
