Change and identity podcast
My goals for this assignment were to uncover something about my mother's life that I could carry with me throughout my own and utilize it to my best ability. I also wanted to emphasize or better clarify how much something minor can have greater long-term impacts on the mind. What went well was the interview itself, mainly because it wasn't initially difficult to talk to my mom but also because of her willingness to open up so easily being the circumstance it was in. I was able to tell that she seemed pretty happy that I wanted to know about her life, and that resulted in a lot of useful content. My struggles were editing and shortening the podcast. I used WeVideo and forgetting I could only publish my work if it was under the time limit, I ended up having to record what I had using another app. The trimming was quite tedious. Overall, I learned new podcasting skills, some interesting aspects of my mother's past and what to look for in a good story. 
