Chelsea Janette Smith Play

                              Teenage Years Of An Adult





Alma- pregnant girl in Africa

Nyaki- Alma’s friend

Sonya- the mother of a pregnant teen

Savannah- Sonya’s sister

Marge- Social Worker

Tasha- the girl the social worker is talking to; uneducated teen

Lisa- former single teenage pregnant mother

Dominique- soon to be teenage father

Chris- Dominique’s closest friend



                                                Act 1, Scene 1


“That’s it Nyaki I’m leaving and getting away from this place. Everyone has looked down on me. I didn’t want any of this or asked for any of it. I just can’t take it anymore.”

                        (Looks for things to put in a suitcase.)




                                       (Sits down at the table with Savannah and tries to hold her composure)


 ¡Aye Dois Mio! Ella es un bebe tambien. How is she supposed to take care of another baby? Savannah you don’t understand she shouldn’t have to go through this. I had to and I know how hard it is with the help of family and friends. Hermana she has no one. I can’t raise another kid. I barely have money to keep our own family going.”



            (Has his hands on his head and tries to let reality sit in.)

“Oh man. Chris I don’t know what to do I cant believe she ‘bout to have my kid. I don’t even know if she telling the truth or not. Bro Imma make her take a test right in front of me. Wait. I can’t do that, that would be to disrespectful and I know better than that. Chris I really don’t know what to do. What if it ain’t even mines?”

            (Sits on the table and looks at the floor)



“Brov that has to be your kid. She was a virgin when yall got together. So stop playing you just scared and don’t know what to do.”

                                    (Puts his hand on his friend)





                                                           (At the desk typing and listening to Tasha talk)

“I’m sorry about all papers just been a busy week. Well Tasha I understand that you want to send your baby to America, lets just talk a little bit. So you want to send your first baby to be with a family in America? “ Guess you heard about all the good things in America.

                                                (Gives a little chuckle)




                                                    (Takes a deep breathe and begins to talk)

“Well I like for my baby to have a good life. I want my baby to be in good hands and safe the rest of their life. I want them to be safe.”






                        (Stands in front of the crowd and waits the audience becomes a little quieter. Looks around and starts to talk.)


“Hello ladies how is everybody doing tonight? I’m glad everyone is doing fine but their isn’t any point in holding off the conversation. I’m here to tell how I went from getting an abortion just to end up pregnant once again. Yea I know I should have been a little smarter, but hey I was in high school and met that guy.”

            (Puts her hands and gives quotes while saying that guy)

“Yea lets just say from there I went on a rollercoaster.  I was about to get kicked out of school because pregnancy isn’t tolerated. The thing that makes it even worst is that I was only a freshman.


                                    (End of Scene 1, Act 1)










                                                      Act 2, Scene 2



                        (Sitting next to Nyaki talking.)


“Nyaki he raped me. I tried to fight him off but he said if I struggled he would kill me. I tried to tell my mother but she just didn’t believe me. I went to the witch doctor and he told me I got aids from him. “

            (Puts her head down and starts to cry in Nyaki’s arm.)



                        (Wipes away her tears and fixes herself a little bit before talking.)

“Savannah, I’m really scared of what’s going to happen next. All I can think about is bad things. I don’t know this guy or anything he is about. What should I do hermana, estoy muy miedo.”



                         (Grabs her sister and holds her tight for comfort. She talks to her sister in her native language)

“Sonya calmate por favor. Ella es un adolescente. She’s going to be fine remember who raised her and taught her how to succeed in life even with a problem as big as this. If you can deal with it and taught her how to be strong I’m sure she can. I’m here for you mi amor. It’s going to be fine.”

                        (Whispers it’s going to be fine)




                        (Gives his friend a handshake and starts to thank him for being there for him)

“Yo man you a good friend. You helped me when I need u the most.

            (Gives his friend a handshake and hug)



“No problem man.”

            (Returns the hug and shake)



                        (Starts typing on the computer and than stops and faces Tasha. Pulls out a stack of papers.)

“Well I’m going to need you to feel these papers out.

                        (Phone starts ringing)

“Hey. Yea I can talk now. You have to be kidding me. She didn’t have a miscarriage. Well what am I suppose to tell the adoptive parents? Okay so please tell me what happened.”

(Takes a sip of her coffee as she listens to the story. She goes blank)

“She got into a fight on purpose?! Are you freaking kidding me?! So how did she mange to lose her baby?”

 (Almost chokes on her coffee when she hears the truth.)

 “The girl stabbed her in the stomach? Oh my God. What did the police say? How did she get the hospital? When was the baby pronounced dead? Okay so the girl is under custody? That’s good. Now I want to know what the doctor said. Please telling me your just trying to play with me and that really didn’t happen. She was really taking drugs and drinking. Wow I can’t believe this little ignorant girl. Well when I finish up with my client right know I’ll contact the adoptive parents and have them come in for a talk. Make sure your here.”

 (Hangs up the phone and rubs her face)




“Wow sounds like your going to have a busy day. Hope I do the right thing with my baby.

                        (Rubs her stomach)



I went through my sophomore and junior year retaining abstinence. I had to get the abortion in order to stay in school. Bye the beginning of senior I was pregnant and decided to keep this baby. I didn’t know what to do the father of the baby was gone but had to pay child support and from the time the baby was born I had struggled. The one thing that kept me happy was the smile on my baby girl’s face. I couldn’t take anymore so I moved to the USA and had some of my friends from here help me raise Ami.  I can’t say it was easy but ladies listen to me when I tell this is going to be the hardest thing in your life but its going to be one of the best things you’ll ever have to do and accomplish.

                        (The crowd begins to clap)


                        End of Act 2, Scene 2










                           ACT 3, SCENE 3



“Nyaki I love you but I need to go. Be safe and remember me. Pray for me and me baby.”

                        (Hugs Nyaki and exits the scene)



“Gracias por todo.  You have helped me get through this. Te amor mi hermana.”

                          (Gives her sister a hug and leaves off the stage)



                        (Returns the hug and whispers)

“ I love you to mi amor.”

                        (Exits the stage)
